x-ray optogenetics
The X-ray Optogenetics Project aims to develop a noninvasive method of controlling neural activity with high spatial and temporal precision in order to interrogate the neural circuits underlying healthy and pathological brain function.
Optogenetics is the current state of the art in neuromodulation. This technique, developed in the early to mid 00's and chosen as the "Method of the Year" across all fields in science and engineering by Nature Methods in 2010, uses transgenics to express a light-sensitive protein in specific types of neurons
actual data
scintillating nanoparticles in vitro
simulated data
southwest airlines flight to neuroscience conference
actual or simulated?
Hey, we got an idea...
work break! I mean I need to go do some of the MRI stuff, some of my chronology is loose here
you sure this is a good idea?
omg if I have to hear about this experiment one more time...
well this took (10x +10) x 10 times longer than expected
shouldn't be too hard to get this working! oh.
EPR not so much
annnnd IT WORKS